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The Real Boy by Anne Ursu


     I am currently reading The Real Boy, by Anne Ursu.  It is required reading for the young boy I am tutoring this summer.  I have to admit; I am enjoying it a lot!  
     The main character, Oscar, works for a magician in the hilltop town of Asteri.  Oscar is an odd little boy.  He doesn't remember his childhood.  He doesn't know how to act around people.  His best friends are cats.       Weird things are starting to happen around the town.  Two magician apprentices are turned into logs (really).  And, the animals are starting to act peculiar.
        I am forcing myself to read the book at the same pace as my student.  It is KILLING me!!!  I don't believe I will be able to hold out for much longer!  I will let you know!


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