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New Product Line Finished!


     I am very excited about my new product line! I created my PRACTICE resources to fill a need in my own classroom. I like using task cards for review, extension activities, and tutorials. However, I felt there was something missing.

     I wanted to bring grammar review, reading comprehension, and writing together. I also wanted to build background knowledge in my students without forcing them to read the same old stuff. 

     The first two resources I created had to do with the Alamo. My seventh grade students were going to begin studying the siege of the Alamo. I wanted to provide them with additional information. I created "The Alamo" and "A Letter To My Wife" in order to provide these additional resources.

     Either I really believed in this my new resource, or I had lost my mind. I decided to use the resource during my formal evaluation. My assistant principal loved the activity. The response from my students was wonderful. And, to top it all off, I received "exceeds expectations" on my evaluation. It was a good day!

     I would encourage you to watch the video about my new product. I believe it gives a very good overall view of the product in action. 

     I have listed several of the new resources. Here is a link to the freebie! 

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